Vision, Mission, Goals: the PURPOSE of this Blogspot

Vision, Mission, and Goals: the PURPOSE of this blogspot
We invite you to add postings and comments to postings, since your talent is on loan from God, and so is your inspiration.

VISION statement:  We envision the exchange of pondering, and inspiration from prayer.

MISSION statement: We achieve success in Destiny as we ponder, pray, and act.  Encouraging others in our paths of Life is what God wants us to do, and supports us in this effort.  Our Mission is to prove acceptable to God by building ourselves and others through great effort and service to God and His children here on Earth.  We work smarter with His guidance and inspiration.

Through THOUGHT and PRAYER we transcend mortal efforts.  Isaiah 55.  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways;  ...  for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Jehovah

GOAL statement:  (1st goal)  Capitalize on 'PONDER and PRAY' as an ongoing tool of Life.  Refine techniques through practicing thought and constant prayer. "Ask and ye shall receive."

. . . "Where there is no vision the people perish." Proverbs 29:18.    . . . .

  Posted on Christmas Eve 2008 by Charlie and Lynnette Shipp

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"I have so much to do today, 
 that I will have to spend
an extra hour on my knees."
Martin Luther, man of God


  1. There is a pioneer ancestor named Dr Ellis Shipp who taught midwife science and practice in Utah. "She Rose Early." As we become older, we also awake and can continue to rest if we just lay still and PONDER AND PRAY. Try deep breathing also for your health and well being.
    You can also try deep breathing when you first retire, after prayer, and keep a clipboard within reach in the dark to write ideas, inspiration and promptings as they come to you.

  2. What other quotes can you write in here to promote the concept, PONDER AND PRAY? The Franklin method for those that keep a Franklin-Covey planner encourages pondering time at the first of each day. This should include prioritizing and focusing on the really important things.

    Who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." ?
    Answer: Socrates about 400 BC (Greek philosopher in Athens)


    Buy egg-nog and honey graham crackers for 1-yr-old Isabelle;
    Calll Mom for Uncle Jordan and Uncle Woodley's phone #s;
    eMail Stk key-5 regarding Family History annual goals: 500,000.
    ((Index a Heavenly megacity and Temple work for Heavenly Stake));
    Memorize all of the decendancy names on Norman's spreadsheet;
    eBlast to SIBs and later Mom's eList on "Pros/Cons" in communication.

  4. . . . ! ! ! HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2009 ! ! !
    I (we) need to enable other IDs to post here.
    Send a note to
    to participate. We are learning about blogspots.

    My notes for today for goals for today
    (Keyword)..(One-Line Title)
    gKids...........Give attention to grandKids today.
    REUNION . .Work on ShippFamilyREUNION.blogspot.
    HQ--IX......Holiday greeting to Headquarters.
    IX.............Indexing the ancestors of the world.
    cAB. . . . . . sasCommunity Advisory Board, greeting.
    RE.............Rush-Echo NOTES, PeaG for Mon 1/5/09.
    Belle++++ASL baby sign-language eBook w/Belle.

  6. Here's a thought
    The reason our infants are born
    so smart is that they have been
    thinking for months.!.
    . . . . . THINK ABOUT IT . . . . . . .
    From Heaven sent. Pray about it.

  7. I am impressed with the Mission and Purpose statements of "Ponder and Pray." It appears to be a site that people can post things they have learned in their ponder moments, as well as inspirational experiences with prayer. Should prove to be a valuable site on the web.

    May faith increase!

  8. Objectives for today -- our morning list:
    > Continue Happy New Year phone greetings!
    > Buy 2 reams of paper at Walmart for the new home printer.
    > Lynnette and Amy Diane look at the best sewing machines.
    > Enjoy babe here in Kansas and learn sign language also.
    > Discuss Trivani w/Richard & Norman abt. World Tech Conf.
    > Send eBook chapters to son/Kirk on blogspot creation.
    > Index more and talk to SLC HQ on "Step 1" enhancement.
    Discuss w/David-son his suggestion of the first eBook chapter.

  9. Thinking of moving the following up to the top, perminently:

    Vision, Mission, and Goals: the PURPOSE of this Blogspot
    We invite you to add postings and comments to postings, since your talent is on loan from God, and so is your inspiration.

    VISION statement: We envision the exchange of pondering, and inspiration from prayer.

    MISSION statement: We achieve success in Destiny as we ponder, pray, and act. Encouraging others in our paths of Life is what God wants us to do, and supports us in this effort. Our Mission is to prove acceptable to God by building ourselves and others through great effort and service to God and His children here on Earth. We work smarter with his guidance and inspiration.

    Through THOUGHT and PRAYER we transcend mortal efforts. Isaiah 55. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways; ... for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Jehovah

    GOAL statement: (1st goal) Capitalize on 'PONDER and PRAY' as an ongoing tool of Life. Refine techniques through practicing thought and constant prayer. "Ask and ye shall receive."
    Posted by Charlie/Lynnette Shipp Family

  10. Thank you for your prayers. Love, Debbie

  11. Some current projects and activities
    (1) TRIVIANI -- List 100; Seminar; Folder-files
    Plans; Learning; Setup.
    (2) IX -- index@Rm - send; UserGroup Notes;
    Byron Mortensen VISIT at 8:30am Thu SLC HQ.
    Develop details w/Norman, review with Richard.
    (3) REUNION -- Advertise(response) eMail+USPS;
    Develop a Survey and call everyone personally.
    (4) sasCOMMUNITY -- √ Notes; √ TIPs; KPL.
    These priority areas are works in progress.

  12. Add to that a professional paper on social networks
    "Social Networks for Professional Advantage" by CES/KPL.
