Vision, Mission, Goals: the PURPOSE of this Blogspot

Vision, Mission, and Goals: the PURPOSE of this blogspot
We invite you to add postings and comments to postings, since your talent is on loan from God, and so is your inspiration.

VISION statement:  We envision the exchange of pondering, and inspiration from prayer.

MISSION statement: We achieve success in Destiny as we ponder, pray, and act.  Encouraging others in our paths of Life is what God wants us to do, and supports us in this effort.  Our Mission is to prove acceptable to God by building ourselves and others through great effort and service to God and His children here on Earth.  We work smarter with His guidance and inspiration.

Through THOUGHT and PRAYER we transcend mortal efforts.  Isaiah 55.  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways;  ...  for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Jehovah

GOAL statement:  (1st goal)  Capitalize on 'PONDER and PRAY' as an ongoing tool of Life.  Refine techniques through practicing thought and constant prayer. "Ask and ye shall receive."

. . . "Where there is no vision the people perish." Proverbs 29:18.    . . . .

  Posted on Christmas Eve 2008 by Charlie and Lynnette Shipp

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We will be making Conf.Short.Note comments

We will be posting conference "Short Notes" here, including Womens Conference, Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Priesthood Session, and Sunday AM and PM -- seven posts in all, with this overview post.


  1. LDS General Conference, October 2009

    General Relief Society Meeting
    Refer also to Video and Text at LDS site

    Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President
    This is a beautiful gathering of Relief Society women. Prepare for eternal life: increase faith and righteousness; strengthen homes; and serve the Lord and His children. We are organized after the pattern of the priesthood and have the keys for inspiration and leadership. Time is precious – use wisely.
    You can call week-evening meetings, “Service”, “Training”, or what applies. Workshops can be valuable additions to Sunday lessons. Do not feel obligated to attend every monthly workshop. The bishop can work with their unique ward with RS preparing for the temple or reactivating youth. Visiting Teaching administers. God knows us personally and sends us to represent Him.
    Online LDS Church News article: Sister-Julie-B-Beck-A-faith-based-work

    Silvia H. Allred, Relief Society General Presidency [Hispanic American, fyi]
    Every woman needs Relief Society in her life. “The Church was never fully organized” before Relief Society, said Joseph Smith. As we reflect righteousness in our lives, others will be attracted. Testify to them of the Gospel and that RS will enrich their lives/families. My Mother was call as RS President in El Salvador and rise to the calling. RS reminds me I am His daughter. I am encouraged to personal growth. RS is vital to every home and family.
    Online LDS Church News article: Sister-Silvia-H-Allred-You-need-Relief-Society

    Barbara Thompson, Relief Society General Presidency [Very British-proper, fyi]
    In London, I traveled on the tube, [smile]. There are flashing signs “Danger” and flashing lights, and “mind the gap” which might be in our goals vs reality. Consider the gap between YM and RS; and testimony and valiancy. You need to know God accepts your offering. Age 18 is when YW become women. Although not married, I find happiness in Gospel service. Eliza Snow counseled older and younger women to learn from each other. Mind all gaps and share the Gospel.
    Online LDS Church News article: Sister-Barbara-Thompson-Mind-the-gap

    President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency
    I feel the weight of the invitation by President Monson to speak to you; I had wanted to be taught by the Prophet. He confirmed my inspiration to speak of the great legacy -- those that have gone before you. CHARITY is at the heart and born of faith in Jesus Christ. Find joy in selfless service. (Quote BkMormon when they were all converted, no contention because of the love of God.) Pioneers created a hospital system; grain storage; Primary; YW; their own magazine and organization. It is part of your legacy. The Church gave away its marvelous hospital system, gladly. Members teach the gospel in meetings and visiting. Bishops and RS show respect and cooperation. There will be no salvation without compassionate service. The legacy is passed from heart to heart. Cherish and watch over one another. We will feel His joy. I pray to God that he will inspire you to preserve and pass on your heritage as a legacy to bless and bring joy in the lives of generations.
    Refer also to Video and Text at LDS site

  2. Find links to the Womens Conf. text and video at the site:
    And review/summary articles at online Church News:

  3. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Saturday Morning Session
    President Eyring is conducting, Welcome, and Choir

    President Monson, Opening Message
    How great it is to use technology of internet, broadcast, and translation. We enjoyed dedicating the Oquirrh Temple. New Temples: Brigham City Utah, etc. Japan. May we continue to be faithful in doing ordinance work for ancestors. They will rejoice with you. Befriend new converts to make them feel at home. Miracles occur as we open doors not yet open. Messages today are inspired that we will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we listen.

    Richard G. Scott, [Pray and Listen]
    I appreciate that current and personal events change dramatically and we are forced to rely on God and prayer. Be guided by the voice of the Spirit and exercise faith in God and Christ. Develop 1. Capacity to listen; 2. Capacity of power (like Nephi). Write your impressions, ponder, pray for what you should know. Additional communication comes from responding to first impressions. Can you savor the taste of a grape while eating a jalapeƱo pepper? Pornography is tragic, coming from selfishness. Nephi said the Devil cheateth your soul.

    Vicki F. Matsumori, Primary [Gift of the Holy Ghost]
    How do the missionaries knock on the door of someone praying for them to come? Or the teacher when someone they serve needs it? Or the young woman staying away from parties she should not attend? The spirit of the Lord comes like sunshine.

    L. Whitney Clayton, [Bearing Natural Burdens]
    Eternal Plan is for our growth and progress. We must do all we can to bear our burdens and yield to the enticings to the spirit and put off the natural man. 1. 2. 3. Nephi; 4. Joseph Smith. Alma escaped from King Noah but were conquered. They were delivered in stages. We are also.

    > > > > CONTINUED IN NEXT COMMENT < < < <

    Saturday Morning Session
    Russell T. Osguthorpe, [Teaching the Gospel]
    Guides to teaching: 1. Key doctrine; 2. Invitation; 3. Call to Action. Here are two great books: Teaching, No Greater Call (and) Preach My Gospel. In primary, I resolved to give no talks in church, but a good teacher was a messenger from God to help. Aim high [arrow up.] After you teach, close the manual and open their eyes to God. Express confidence in them. Learning and teaching in the Gospel are not optional. Teaching helps save lives.

    David A. Bednar, [Set Your Family in Order]
    Suggestion-1: Express love and show it; be sincere and frequent. Reflect also in what you do. Christ said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Suggestion-2: Bear testimony and live it. It need not be eloquent and lengthy -- bear pure testimony. Create and look for opportunity. Feeling the power of testimony from a spouse or child is a source of enduring peace and power. Suggestion-3: Be consistent. Your family will remember impressions of intent. Like a painting, individual brush strokes yield the beautiful vision. They are brushstrokes on the canvas of souls. Be consistent in public and at home. When you bear testimony in church of love, live it at home.

    President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, [Love is Divine]
    Of all the things we want to be known for, what defines us more than being disciples of Jesus Christ? How do we become disciples of Jesus Christ? “If you live me, keep my commandments.” Those who receive Christ, walk with him. Love the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and strength. Then love your neighbor. Love is the fire that lights hope and charity. What we think and do determines who we are and will become. Love defines us as a Church. At the heart of love you will find the joy of all things good. John wrote, “We love him, because He first loved us.” God’s love is so great that he loves every one of us, even the proud and wicked. No matter our mistakes, our infinitely-loving Heavenly Father draws us to Him and we experience his love. Seek with all your heart and keep His commandments. As you listen in conference, attend the temple and church, listen for His voice. Listen in the laughter of a child. He will lead you on a course to experience the pure love of Christ. It leads us out of darkness into greater life. The veil will become thin. The Plan of Happiness is made active through the Atonement. Love is the measure of our faith and discipleship. [Testimony.] He is filled with infinite love for you. Let me conclude as I began: Let us be known as a people that loves God and those around us. Thus we will be known as true disciples of the Lord, Jesus Christ.


  5. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Saturday Afternoon Session
    President Eyring is conducting; Welcome, Choir, Sustaining

    Dallin H. Oaks, [God’s Love and Commandments]
    His choicest blessings are reserved for those that live His principles. There is a difference between love and law. “If God lives, he wouldn’t let this happen” say some. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only-begotten Son...” We must still obey His laws -- they are invariable. God’s anger and wrath shows his love for all his children. Resurrection is universal. Our kingdom of glory is determined by the level of Law we live. The work of Eternity is in our families, to rescue the lost lambs. Loving associations continue. Confrontation may be required. Their straying can distract from our happiness but not from our love.

    Robert D. Hales, [Belief in God]
    “And this is Life Eternal: to know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.” God created man and woman in His own image. ‘Elohim’ is plural. Joseph Smith helped restore the Gospel to prepare the world for the Second Coming. Become as a child: meek, humble, teachable, and full of love. “Thou hast had signs enough”, said Alma. Awaken and intensify the light of God within you. Be humble, seek, and ask if these things are not true. He lives and loves us.

    Jorge F. Zeballos, [Powerful Helps]
    Powerful helps are available to us. The atonement comes for repentant unto Eternal Life, to live with Christ and Father in Heaven for evermore. See that ye serve Him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength -- with all our being. He knows our capacities and opportunities. Do the best we can each day. Fight the good fight. Our prophet President Monson leads this great work today.

    Tad R. Callister, [The Lord’s Anointed, Joseph Smith]
    Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, His only-begotten Son. Paul taught us that the body of Christ will never again be separated from his spirit. We also learn via Joseph Smith that God still speaks from the Heavens. There has been an Apostasy, followed by The Restoration. Preaching is in the Spirit World. Like a gospel-jigsaw-puzzle, it all came together with the Restoration. Were there not angels in New Testament times? Salvation is found only in His Church. Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah!
    > > > > > CONTINUED IN THE NEXT COMMENT < < < < <

  6. > > > > > CONTINUED FROM THE LAST COMMENT < < < < <
    Kent D. Watson, [Develop Temperance]
    No one can assist in this work without being humble, tempered in all things, and being dutiful to all things entrusted to him. The Holy Ghost teaches us of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, and temperance. A bishop is not fast to anger. Alma admonishes against pride and towards righteous goals. [Story of tempered windshield glass.] Tempered metal is also refined. Govern your house and be steadfast. There is diversity in Asia where our members are a very small fraction of 1% of all living there in China and India.

    Neil L. Andersen, [God Forgives]
    Be spiritually wrapped in the arms of Jesus Christ, “blessed are they that come unto me.” Arms of mercy and safety are lengthened out all the daylong. The invitation to repent is kind and is the beckoning to become more than we are. [Story of meeting with a man returning to membership.] Except for those that choose perdition after knowing a fulness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. Return, to be converted and healed. It is a journey, not just one event. We can repent or we can pull the shades down that show into Heaven. “I have engraven thee in the palms of my hands.” Repentance includes restoring when possible. [James E. Faust pioneer story.] We may remember bad experiences but the Lord ‘forgets’ as he forgives. Time heals and brings peace; continue keeping the commandments. He is there. Healing comes in the time of the Lord; seek counsel.

    Boyd K. Packer, [Effectual Prayer]
    No Father would send sons and daughters off to fight in this world without providing them power and communication back to God. We are the children of God and part of the Great Plan of Happiness. Use agency wisely and stay close to the spirit. [President Woodruff experience: “Move your carriage.”] I was called as a general authority nearly 50 years ago [story of his child’s faith.] You can know from the spirit the things you need to know. [WW II story.] Invent a ‘delete’ key when temptation comes; or use words to hymns. You have power of mind. You can pray for confirmation. Sister, “I kicked that trap all to pieces.” [Poem: Be quiet while untie the knot.] The Savior said, “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Pray for President Monson and his wife -- they need your prayers for the great work that is before us. We pray to bless them in every needful way. [Testimony.]

  7. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Saturday Evening Priesthood Session
    President Uchtdorf welcomed us and conducted; YM Choir

    M. Russell Ballard, [Father-Son Communication]
    Walter F. Gonzalez, [Missionary Work -- mighty change of heart]
    Yoon Hwan Choi, [Stories of converting their local young men]
    President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, [Righteous and Worthy Work]
    President Henry B. Eyring, [Consecrated oil and Preparation]
    President Thomas S. Monson, [Temper Anger]
    ED: note on Short.Notes and these priesthood session notes.

    M. Russell Ballard, [Father-Son Communication]
    It is a wonderful sight to see father and son sitting shoulder-to-shoulder. Two of the great things in the Gospel: Priesthood + Family. “How to talk to each other”, can have a profound effect on both. Other mentors also fill gaps.
    Here is the advice to sons: (1) Trust Dad and talk to him; (2) Ask about his job, goals, and watch him; (3) Ask advice in life, church and school. Say, “I appreciate your inspiration and prayers.”
    Advice to Dads: Notice parallels. (1) Listen; ask right questions, then listen, don’t just assume. Your son lives in a different world now. Find best ways to talk: camping, walking geo-caching, in your den, at least once a month. Bare testimony. Ask how your son feels about church and school, not to ‘fix-it’ but to listen and learn. (2) Pray with and bless your son. There may be heartbreak but never give up -- sons are forever! (3) Dare to have the Big Talks such as on respect for girls. Trust will flourish. Current culture shows casual sex, not appropriate for us. Cherish temple marriage values.
    Returned Missionaries have important decisions in education, vocation, and marriage. Work on courtship and learn from your father those traditions. Maintain your dignity and spirituality as a son of God.

    Walter F. Gonzalez, [Missionary Work -- mighty change of heart]
    Book of Mormon missionaries showed how it can be done. We become powerful in missionary work by following their example. Learn the Book of Mormon scriptures, given for our generation. [Story of reading the Book of Mormon as a young man.] President Monson promised that as we live the teaching of the scriptures, we will know of their truthfulness and find their power. (1) Feast upon the words of Christ for all things which ye should do, every day, overcoming challenges. Example to learn: the peer pressure upon Laman. (2) Apply all that we learn about Christ. Example: Brother of Jared learned God could not lie. (3) Teach the doctrine and principles from the Book of Mormon. Memorize scriptures and be ready. The honest will seek your truth and the Book of Mormon.

    Yoon Hwan Choi, [Stories of converting local young men]
    There were young men living near by who were delinquent. After prayer, came to the decision to teach them. Encouraged them to work toward missions. Involved them and taught them to sing, although not too well. Baptism brought change in their young lives. They went on missions, temple marriage, righteous young families, leadership in the Church. Now they teach other young men. You are the Army of the Lord with a bright future to bring happiness to all.

  8. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, [Righteous and Worthy Work]
    Traveling around the globe, we have first-hand knowledge and know the times require tightening belts. We continually pray for you. I firmly believe in the future: winter will give way to a new spring of hope. For ourselves, we work and stay steadfast. [Story of living in employer’s attic in Frankfort, immigrants from East Germany -- one room for the whole family to sleep in.] After the filter of time, it seems like it was a time to learn of hard work and family bonding. Work is a sustaining principle. My Father lost everything after WW II and filled many jobs: coal mining, uranium mining, truck driving. Mother did laundry, we delivered the laundry. It made us healthy and kept us out of trouble. The Lord loves us to work on worthy goals, not harder than is wise, but the best we can. “It’s in the doing!” Remember in efforts that Family is sacred and more important than wealth. We were created to serve in all our days and there is no retirement in Church service. Convert, consecrate, dedicate and serve. Endure and find joy to the end. Look to your service to enhance your resume, as your capability increased both in Church and profession. From deacon to high priest, continue to learn. [Personal story of learning at the library as he never did as a youth.] I love to read and learn, as did Joseph Smith. More than filling a bucket, it is about lighting the fire within. Learn of things at home and things abroad, above and below. Be curious and seek wisdom. You have a duty to learn. The best books (and other sources) become your university. Be single to God’s Glory. Trials teach critical lessons. Scriptures provide the foundation for revelation and answers -- know peace, truth, and the way to Eternal Life.

    President Henry B. Eyring, [Consecrated oil and Preparation]
    [Shows the small container of consecrated olive oil he carries.] I have one in my desk, pocket, kitchen, and car. It is pure olive oil for the healing of the sick. The knock comes as a surprise. [Story of a young girl in a car accident.] When the call came, I was ready (it is more than the olive oil.) Preparation comes from the family and the quorum and personal preparation. None of us knows the errands but we know the necessary preparation. Prepare with (1) Faith -- priesthood is power. Gain Heaven’s confidence through righteous living and service. [Book of Mormon story of General Nephi.] God praised him and promised him powers that whatever he commanded in Earth would be. He earned that Faith and God’s Trust with long labor in the Gospel. General Nephi believed in Revelation, sought it, and followed it when it came. Young men can give powerful talks. They rise among us and we can rise with them. They have agency -- we can accept and support them. (2) Have confidence to live what you know, among your peers. DC 121 teaches to have pure motives. [Story of his Bishop who would not turn off his lights Sunday evening until he heard a report on every Aaronic Priesthood young man that was not present that day.] It will not work in every ward, but it teaches the commitment and dedication to youth we can have. It teaches by example. Be unweary in service. [Spoke of his Father, Henry Eyring who also taught by example and precept.] Be determined to do better every day in preparing young men. [Testimony.] He is the perfect example.
    > > > > > CONTINUED IN THE NEXT COMMENT < < < < <

  9. > > > Priesthood Session continued from previous comment < < <
    President Thomas S. Monson, [Temper Anger]
    It is a wonderful sight to see you, those that I can see and those watching on broadcast. It is a mighty body. Recent TV news shows trace-back to anger: family abuse, gangs, wars and conflicts. Cease from anger and wrath, says Psalms. Counsel for respect and forgiveness. Nothing comes from anger: anger builds nothing and can destroy much. There seem to be countless reasons for anger. [Story of Heber J. Grant working for two men, one paid an honest wage the other, not. “Take no offense when none is intended.”] Quote: Let not the sun go down on your wrath. Book of Mormon: Spirit of contention is of the Devil. The devil’s tool of Anger is so destructive. [Story of Thomas B. Marsh and his wife being stuck on stubborn with stripings of milking, richer in cream but not worth losing membership.] His stubbornness reflected in print and the decision of Gov. Boggs issuing the Extermination Order and driving out 15,000 Saints to misery and some death. After 19 years of ranker and remorse, he came to SLC, “the Lord could get along without me, but I lost riches of the Gospel.” We are all susceptible and need to be aware and vigilant. Sometimes we show anger within our own families to those we should love the most. [New York story of brothers drawing a chalk line to divide the house -- for 62 years.] If anger approaches, make a conscious decision and leave it unsaid. “School thy feelings . . . let wisdom be thy guide.” Young men, prepare now for the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. Be sanctified by the Spirit, to the renewing of your bodies and become the elect of God. He that receiveth this and my servants, receiveth me, Father, Kingdom, “all that I hath”, Eternal Life. May we be worthy examples, peacemakers in our homes; “Know that ye are my disciples.” Know that I love you and pray richest blessings on you, your home and family, and in your soul.

    ED: note on Short.Notes and these Priesthood Session notes.
    Taking SHORT.NOTES :: We plan to write briefly on 1. Theme; 2. What we learn;
    3. Highest highlights; 4. Scriptures referenced; 5. Any list of items.
    We only write a short thumbnail paragraph to remind ourselves what to review later;
    knowing we can see text and video via and reviews from online Church News.
    PRIESTHOOD SESSION NOTES :: One way to keep notes short is to write only what we learn, omit the inspiring and interesting personal stories noting only “[story]”, and expect you the reader to refer to for the transcript and video, and Church News online for longer summaries and capsulation of defining quotes. Be sure to do so and also highlight the conf Ensign issue. stores these notes and we invite your added comments.

  10. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Sunday Morning Session
    President Monson is conducting, Welcome, and Choir

    President Monson, [Greetings/Welcome/Intro]
    We send our greeting, across the world. [Choir, prayer, Choir]

    President Eyring, [Become like Christ]
    We share a desire to become better than we are. “Pray unto the Father with all energy of heart...that ye may become the sons of God...purified”, Mormon. Even the most humble can become like the Savior. [Primary songs] Love of God will lead us to keep his commandments; and love of others will bring us there. Families are the ideal: put the other at life-center. A Mother’s prayer, “Please, no empty chairs in Heaven”, without compulsion. [Story of parents] [Prodigal story] Though some of the sheep may wander, they will be drawn back to the fold. Hold on and pray for them; reach out with confidence that Jesus reaches out with you. Honor thy Father and thy Mother, with promise of longer life, or quality improved by remembering. Be taught of the Lord and your family peace will be great. I leave you my blessing that you will feel reassured. [Testimony]

    L. Tom Perry, [Pioneer spirit]
    My wife and I attended Manti Pageant of 800 with 500 under the age of 18. Organization was inspiring. There is a special spirit with older pioneer temples. No fancy cranes to lift up the stone blocks. Counsel: go back to the past way of looking to the future: ingenuity, dedication, work. In 1849, Brigham Young sent Saints to Sanpete and Manti to colonize and build a temple. The Past teaches us how to view the Future. [Story of building temple roof as an upside-down ship] We have special access to eternal principles of truth. Pioneers sacrificed everything to build the Kingdom of God. [Testimony] We eliminated Stake Missions and moved to the family/ward level to increase involvement. Home mtgs are better than tracting. [Study “Preach My Gospel”] Preparation removes fear. [Testimony]

    Bp H. David Burton, [Virtues: generosity, humility; integrity; ... -ity]
    Virtue traits define the inner man. [Picture of road-rage] Greed, graft, and infidelity abound, feeding wants over needs. We can be better. [youth at piano, donut reward] Concerned parents help sons and daughters remember these lessons in life. Integrity is the mother of many virtues and moral values. It is the strength of deity within us. Moses counseled to honor vows. Greater success comes with honesty. Now is the time for us to join in rescuing what is left of Virtues. [Testimony]
    [ED: FYI, “Virtue” is added to the YW values, right after “Integrity”, now there are eight.]
    > > > > > CONTINUED IN THE NEXT COMMENT < < < < <

  11. > > > Sunday Afternoon (continued) < < <
    Ann M. Dibb YW , [Iron Rod] [President Monson’s daughter, FYI]
    [Boat/Bridge picture: they had safety equipment not used] Ancients prophesied of this day and tolerance of sin. We all deal with challenges. We learn and grow by overcoming with Faith. [Tree of Life picture] Inadequacies become strong. We have living scriptures and prophets and the Gospel. We must all choose to use these. From Lehi’s Vision we learn we must take hold of the iron-rod. Study and apply! “Get a grip, tight, never let go.” Give heed to the word of God, always. I love my parents dearly: “Ann, [Gospel] is everything.”

    Russell M. Nelson, [Seek Inspiration]
    [Story of new grandchild: info from Heaven] Personal revelation is extended to all of His children. I keep pencil/paper at my bedside for morning inspiration. Ask with a sincere heart and real intent. Ye shall feel the right. There are general commandments and teaching: sacrament, baptism, ten commandments. Other commandments are specific, the ark. Mighty change brings discernment. [Story: Father joined, temple] Losing hearing, he realized his time on Earth is limited. To discern means to sift and separate. Bishops discern; sisters see trends; you see what uplifts, with discernment. [John Taylor picture: Carry out holy purposes] Guidelines prevail, such as Faith, Hope, Charity and Love. Then with Knowledge, Godliness, Diligence; you may knock and it will be opened to you. Reverence for Deity is required, serving to the end. To them He reveals all mysteries. God lives and Jesus is the living Christ. The Church has a living prophet.

    President Monson, [Serve Others]
    My beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you with love in my heart. Jack McConnell wrote about growing up, preacher Dad would ask, “What good did you do for someone today.” It was his legacy through his life. Volunteers in Medicine serve the uninsured, founded by Dr McConnell. Each of us can do something to help others. Whosoever will save his life will lose it; but whosoever will lose his life, for my sake, will find Eternal Life. Oct 1963 conference, David O. McKay told that man’s greatest happiness was from serving others. We covenanted this at baptism. Chose these important things, not [trivia.] We are the Lord’s hands, with a mandate to serve those around us. [Church News interview: ideal gift is to find someone ill or lonely and do something. Many did. YM/YW, Primaries did. Pictures] One small child wrote of Grandpa’s stroke, held his hand. Another: surprised Mom cleaning. Etc. A Primary child in Mongolia brought in water. “I played with a lonely kid.”
    Reading this particular note reminded me of a poem of Richard L. Evans ((Elderly come to the time of putting things away; living into loneliness. Keep memories of the past, we can help them live in the warm glow of a sunset.)) [Examples of YM/YW, like baptisms for the dead] Both giver and receiver benefit. For I was anhugered and ye gave me meat; naked, and ye clothed me; lonely, and ye visited me -- When? Verily, I say unto you: in as much as ye have done it unto the least of these (my brethren) ye have done it unto Me. [Hymn: Have I done any good in the world today; when they needed my help was I there?] It is service to the savior; he invites us to draw close to Him. Ye who are heavy laden; learn of Me; ye shall find rest; my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. May we all receive that greeting.
    CF: & on life of Jesus Christ.

  12. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Sunday Afternoon Session
    President Uchtdorf is conducting, Welcome, and Choir

    Jeffrey R. Holland, [Truth of the Book of Mormon]
    Choir was moving to all that heard. Savior warned even the elect could be deceived in the latter days. Father knows dangers of the latter days and gives defenses. Mist of darkness obscures in Lehi’s Dream, on all the travelers. The successful travelers resist all distractions. Love, Healing, Help and Hope come from Christ to conquer all evil. Dying Moroni wrote, Come unto Christ and be healed by Him. In his last days, these words Hyrum read to Joseph. Before closing the book he turned down the corner in testimony. I hold in my hand that very book. Mob took their lives. I ask you: Would these men blaspheme before God in their last day? [Strong testimony] For 179 years this book has been attacked and still it stands! Anyone foolish enough to dismiss without prayer (and leave this church) after tens of millions believe, they must do so by crawling around the Book of Mormon to make their exit, a stone of stumbling for them. My testimony is as binding as theirs: I lie not, God bearing witness. It gives comfort in these last days. [Quote: if ye believe in Christ ye shall believe these words, because they are the words of Christ.] He will prove the Book of Mormon with power in the Last Days. Your hearts will not fail you.

    Quentin L. Cook, [Charity, Christ-like Service]
    We live in perilous times. They love pleasure more than righteousness. In the Church we have a sacred trust. A prominent rabbi went through the Oquirrh Temple and said people do good to be kind and a higher reason is that God wants us to serve. War in Heaven after Satan’s plan was rejected; we are accountable with stewardship to (1) ourselves; and (2) to others. [Story of their family spring; fences in disrepair; water no longer pure] Wellsprings of life are to be kept pure in chastity and modesty. [Shipbuilding story: ocean tests] Follow the steps of repentance to make water pure again. In judgment, priorities are assessed: spiritual feeding in the home is as important as clothing and food. Second stewardship is caring for the hungry and poor. [Fast Offering] One widow in her 80s always responded to her bishop’s call. Martin Luther King 3rd visited SLC and appreciate Welfare Square. Thou shalt be like a spring of water.

    Brent H. Nielson, [Teach all nations]
    Go ye therefore, teaching all nations and baptizing them. 1974, President Kimball invited us to lengthen our stride and all young men prepare for missions. [Stories from Finland and Russia] It was the prayers of thousands of saints years ago to open borders. There are 52,000 missionaries today. They are also your grandparents rising with youth. We have just begun, passing the torch to a new generation. President Monson issues the new challenge. Matt 28 I am with you always. [Picture of the tame and wild olive trees: grafting in; labor with might] He is asking for worthy young men and women to say as our Brother, “Send me!” There is no greater call. Stand up in righteousness.

    Dale G. Renlund, [A changed heart]
    [Heart transplants, 71,000, immune system rejects without exact regimen] Some patients become casual and heart fails. The ultimate operation is spiritual change of heart. “A new heart I give you” is just the beginning. [Sons of Mosiah] Converts never fell away because of zeal. [Alma, change of heart] Avoid being casual in prayer, worship, and scripture study. [Personal family zeal] Be joyfully faithful.
    > > > > > CONTINUED IN NEXT COMMENT < < < < <

  13. > > > Sunday Afternoon, (continued from previous comment) < < <
    Michael T. Ringwood, [Obtain a soft heart]
    Why was it easy for Lamanites to change and believe? 8,000 converted near Zarahemla. The more part of them had become a righteous people, laying down their weapons. Sadly, Nephites became hardened. The Lamanites had a ‘soft’ heart, willing to listen and learn. Our legacy is convertible ancestors. [Stories] You find it easy to believe the word of God in times of family change: marriage, births. Obedience brings soft hearts and an outpouring of the spirit.

    Joseph W. Sitati, [Covenant History] [FYI, Black authority, strong African accent]
    Grateful for keys in this generation. Two groups: one on Ark, other in flood. Then Tower of Babel, scattered abroad. Only a few were obedient, Brother of Jared. Nephites also chose righteousness. Abraham also had great faith, under covenant. All the nations from the Ark are blessed through Jacob, Israel. During dispensation of Moses the covenant changed. The time came for Gentiles. Blessings come irrespective of the order of invitation. Peter baptized gentile Cornelius only after proper direction. Peter, James, and John returned keys in the Restoration. Gospel now goes to the Gentiles. Zenos told allegory of the olive tree, 300,000 Saints in my country. A new Celestial culture is developing in our homes. Three of our children have been married in the temple. [Testimony]

    D. Todd Christofferson, [Teach our children]
    [WW II story; picture of James Faust; relax morals? “I do not believe there is a double standard of morality”] He became an officer. Moral discipline comes from self discipline. Choose the right, even when it is hard. Gospel of Jesus Christ provides the foundation. Without it, societies are left to provide order by compulsion. In most of the world we have depression from a number of causes, [housing.] There can never be enough rules to cover each situation, expensive enforcement. We would not bow to rules of Christ, and so we are now broken by laws of Caesar. [Mothers taught Sons of Heleman] It must be constant teaching, mainly by example. Young people need instruction and intelligence to use their agency properly.

    President Monson, [Encouragement and Prophet’s Blessing]
    My heart is full as we come to the close of this conference. Music has been wonderful. Messages will be in the Nov issue of the Ensign. Incorporate truths into your lives. Society routinely breaks laws of God, current carrying away. You cannot cross this great deep unless Christ prepares us. He has prepared us when we give heed. He will bless us as we do what is right. How blessed we are that the Heavens are open. Apostles and prophets are on the earth today. I bestow blessings on each of you; travel in safety. As said with King Benjamin, “We believe the words we have heard” and have no disposition to do evil, but good continually. Be better than before. I love you and pray for you. I ask once again that you will remember me and the general authorities in your prayers. We are all in this together, I testify, and we all have a part to play. God give us the determination to play our part well. Jesus Christ, our Savior, lives and loves us. Our Father in Heaven is personal and real.
    I love the song, “Oh, Divine Redeemer”; because he is. I bid you farewell until we meet again in six months, in His holy name, Jesus Christ, our advocate with the Father. Amen.
